Thursday, July 29, 2010


The world has come and gone like the wind. It ripped through our country with ease, as if it were the South Easter, tearing through Cape Town on a regular occurrence. Make no mistake, the world left its mark on our nation. It came, it saw, it concurred. Simple as that. The world left us with an experience that no South African, who was lucky enough to be involved, will ever forget.

Thank you world, I salute you.

During the recent Fifa World Cup many questions were answered regarding our nations capability to host an event of such enormity. Many of our answers were positive, and only a miniscule, negative. Yes, we were ready, and we hosted an incredible showpiece. Maybe even the best yet. The world could only sit back and marvel at our achievement. Our stadiums were immaculate, some even the best the world has to offer. They lit up our cities day and night for a month, not once failing to impress. The Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban, and Cape Town’s brand-spanking new Green Point Stadium were the most popular, but who could forget 94 000 screaming voices from inside Soccer City. All foreigners were welcomed with open arms, and made to feel at home in whichever city they found themselves in. Countless stories were shared over many liters of beer. Friendships were created that will last a lifetime.

The only disappointment was Bafana Bafana fading to an early exit in the first round. But even then, they did not disgrace us and as a country we did not disgrace ourselves. Beating France, a country that is ranked a million miles ahead of Bafana Bafana was a success alone. Scoring the first goal of the tournament was another. The only image I can muster up from that moment was one of pure elation. Beer rained down like water, everybody was embraced in joy and emotion. What a feeling.
I managed to watch all of Bafana Bafana’s fixtures at the Hyundai Fan Park, located just outside the V&A Waterfront. Celebrating with over 1000 other South Africans was something to behold, and made my heart pound with pride.

No Fifa World Cup concludes without any controversy, and South Africa 2010 was no different. The constant criticism of the buzzing vuvuzela, as well as the Jabulani Ball had the media’s tongues wagging throughout the competition. And what would a major global event be without an appearance from the self proclaimed ‘Hotel Heiress’ herself, Paris Hilton? And she did not disappoint, grabbing the headlines away from the football for a very comical morning, as she and her chum thought it would be a good idea to toke up a joint outside the Nelson Mandela Stadium. Apparently even celebrities can’t escape the long arm of the law.

The quality of football was, at some stages breathtaking, with the top teams such as Spain, Holland and Germany showcasing how the beautiful game should be played at the finest level. Spain deserved to lift the trophy as they played the most complete football throughout the tournament, leaving Germany and Holland close behind in their wake.

To be part of South Africa during the 2010 World Cup was a privilege that people who were involved shouldn’t take for granted. It was special, in so many ways. Now, we as South Africans lie in wait for the next opportunity to confirm our status as world beaters. The world cup hangover will pass, and then it’s time to build for our encore. One thing is for sure, we believe in ourselves, and the rest of the world knows it.