Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tintin heads to the Tens

The hype about the Cape Town Tens rugby festival was well marketed all throughout Cape Town since the beginning of the year so I was excited to get stuck in. Everyone wanted a piece of the action packed weekend as last year defied all expectations and was a resounding success. I think the way the Tens was marketed is testament to the skills of organisers Bob Skinstad (a good mate who I know is fully behind his brand) and Robbie Fleck. The team enlisted the help of Howard Kahn of Sports Network to head up the all important media and communications, who worked closely with Kreate, to continue to be the favoured portal of the world Tens community.

The vibe was hectic, and the Nadoes even more so. The Cape Town Tens girls looked steamy, but then again most of the girls did. Myself and Captain Haddock had a couple of ales before we arrived on Friday for the opening ceremony, so, naturally we arrived in the trusty hands of Snowy behind the wheel. Fortunately for us, our first fixture was cancelled due to the fact that Botswana Uni couldn't make there flight, or some such bullshit. So naturally, the okes got on the on beer train and after an eventful fines session with the Nadoes, myself and Hadders (Captain Haddock) were well smashed. Snowy, ofcourse, was the designated driver. What a champ! So we decided to hit the beer tent and get involved in the action.

There was a winning formula during the weekend, which satisfied everyones taste. The weekend promised many international superstars, a fun-filled weekend for the whole family, a good vibe and lots of beer and entertainment for the teams and independent visitors to the tournament.
If the organiser’s objective was to get people down to the Tens, throwing around international celebrities names and performers was definitely the right way to go about it. The beer was cheap, the entertainment awesome and the atmosphere electric! The beer tent was full of cheerful peeps the entire weekend, especially after nightfall where the usual suspects decided to push the boundaries and functions of the average liver...well mostly us!

Saturday rolled around as myself and Hadders rolled out of our respective beds!! Shit, Still drunk, but what can you do, theres a game at 1 and we got to be there! Nadoes played, won, and boozed hard after!! Stardard!! We watched the Stormers chuck a ball around against Boland at the new stadium, and promptly afterward decided to push it again. Saturday night was carnage, and well documented by Hadders! We were like blind retards walking thru the beer tent, having the time of our lives. When Hadders and me decide to get smoked theres no fucking around, shit gets hectic, that’s what we do!! Fuck me, Sunday morning- HELP!

I could'nt make our first fixture on Sunday because I was drunk, but its fine, the okes weren't bleak, they realised 9am was a pushing it time and we made it thru to the semi's anyway. Hadders decided to pack it in on Sunday so I was ace high, without the captain for Sundays’ adventure. After our quarter-final, which we lost unfortunately (we were definitely the better side) our main beer co-ordinater Uncle Hugh, decided it was time for one last fines session. Wow, did we relish it, the boys pushed through and Sunday at the Tens will never be the same. One word, Carnage. I ended up at Caprice with the legendary Tim Horan, Bob Skinstad and two very good mates. Chundering outside B.P, commandeering pies amongst other things were the agenda for the night. Last clear memory was sipping on ice cold vodka red bull provided kindly by the portoguese female chilling with us (good on you baby blanket). Great night, thumbs up.

Monday, not so good.

Rugby enthusiasts had rugby rugby rugby all weekend long, and quality rugger at that. The international side that competed put on a mesmerizing show for all the see, as they expressed their world class silky skills on the paddock. Maties once again came out triumphant (no vibe though!) as winners of the Premier division, and competed in a real top class final match against hosts Hammies.

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