Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wat van die STOORRMERS!!

Wow I hope the boys can pull off a massive win this weekend. Lets’ keep the momentum steaming through the Super 14. Camaaaan!!

I mean, I hate the Cheetahs, the best thing they have accomplished since rugby started is transferring big Duane Vermeulen to the Stormers. Thanks Bloem, go ride another Harley. I mean what kind of self respecting rugby team runs out to the sound of 20 Harley Davidsons revving there engines. Are we common, or are we Cheetahs?

Speaking of Duane, I think he's standing up and deserves a little chat from P Divvy. He is colossal week in and week out and when he's not knocking three people backwards in the tackle he's crashing over for a try. Legend. Hope he gets the call up.

Knocking people out sounds familiar though, oh yes, Sereli! Sorry Cory Jane, next time mate, you just got rolled by a massive Fijian splif. I'm guessing no Tiger for you last week either.

Hope Tim Whitehead does well on his debut, there isn't a more deserving player in my mind, and I can't wait to see him step up to the Super Rugby level.

Fuck what an epic encounter. We smoked the Canes now lets show these Bloemfontein poppies how to play rugga. STOOORRMERS!! (Can't wait to see these brandy-loving Harley romantics shed a tear after the game)

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