Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tintin Smashes The Sevens

The annual Nadoes Sevens cricket tournament rolled around again this past weekend, and it was nothing short of an extravaganza. Hosted, of course by the immaculate Pinelands Cricket Club, I decided this would be the ideal opportunity to get the old willow out, and smash a few balls around the park. The morning started especially early ( 9:00am) and I wasn’t completely up to it as the night before ended in a trip to my namesake, Tinners- what a treat was had by all. Anyway I dusted off the booz that was reeking out of me, and headed to the field.

After a glorious exhibition of power hitting throughout the day, the eight teams that entered the tournament, along with the awe- inspiring supporters, retired to the clubhouse for some post match festivities. The clubhouse was packed as the dollies were rife, a real delight on the eyes I must add. Wow, they were pushing it! Bottles of Ramazotti were thrown around during prize giving, beers were downed at a scary rate, and the ladies were creaming. All in all it was a very festive atmosphere out there. What followed can only be described as DISCO HEAT.

By this stage my eyes resembled something of piss holes in the snow, and my vision was blurred to a point of no return. Fuck it, let’s line up another twenty Ramazotti’s and smoke two more beers. At this point it was becoming extremely difficult to talk to Captain Hadders, as he was also past the point of no return, and his speech was noticeably impaired. Basically we were fucked- along with everyone else. Good times.

Nadoes to me is something special, it’s completely nuts, but in the best kind of way. I think the vibe can be summed up by a female who attended the- ‘highlight of her life’ and dug every second of it. “ I wish I was a boy and played for the Nadoes”- true statement released on Facebook the following morning. Enough said!

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