Tuesday, April 13, 2010

E.T. hacked to death

Last Saturday night, Eugene Terreblanche (known as E.T.), the leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) was murdered on his farm in Ventersdorp. The alleged motive for the attack was a pay dispute between him and his workers- two African 'gentlemen', aged 28 and 15 years, who hacked and bludgeoned him to death, using your average 'gardening tools', a knobkerrie and a panga.

Now I’m not the biggest political devotee (because it bores me) but when the leader of South Africa's most notorious white supremacist movement is murdered by two young blacks, I found myself turning my attention toward the news more often than usual. Of course this just happened to occur at a time when his logical racial opponent, the equally loud- mouthed ANC Youth League president, Julius Malema, is running around roaring songs to the tune of “Kill the boer”. Now this does make for an interesting topic to converse about around the dinner table.

So the police are calling for calm and emphasising that the killing was over pay, and not at all politically motivated. Well that’s great; I really don’t think the AWB give a rat’s ass though. In fact they definitely don’t. They finally have something, some piece of leverage that they can use against their nemesis. They have something huge. A sacrifice, if you will.

While we may never know the truth, one thing’s for sure, the murderers (who at the time of writing confessed the murder to the police) are pretty much exactly what Julius Malema is shooting for. Let’s be real, they have definitely heard the “Kill the boer” song. And if I’m not mistaken, Eugene Terreblanche always described himself as a “boer”. That’s more than enough fuel for the AWB to spark something unseemly.

Honestly though, who phones the police when you’ve just killed someone on a farm and no- one has seen you do it? Maybe someone who believed it was right? Perhaps someone looking for acknowledgement for their ‘accomplishment’? I mean, hacking a body up into tiny pieces. What the fuck? Something is definitely up here. For one, there seems like there is a lot of anger being expressed. If you had a dispute about pay and felt like you needed to kill because of it, surely you would kill and get done with it? Unless, possibly, you’re trying to make a statement? Trying to be a hero?

Controversial doesn’t even begin to describe the impending disaster going down here. If Malema gets snuffed out, are all fingers going to be pointed at the AWB? Surely- although I wouldn’t be that quick to pounce, as I’m sure there are many others out there baying for blood.

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