Tuesday, April 20, 2010

KNOXVILLE BAR - ‘Another larney posi to have a dop.’

Cape Towns’ nightlife can sometimes become quite dull. We tend to end up entertaining ourselves exactly where we were the previous week, and that’s okay- we always have a vibe.
Every now and then, though, somewhere different wouldn’t be such a bad idea. There’s a lot of action out there, so why not play a little?

Knoxville Bar is a vibe, make no mistake. It's vivacious, and harbours some of Cape Town’s finest range of cougars. Sadly though, it’s not the largest place in the world. If I were to estimate, I’d say round about the same size as a large shoe closet for Posh Spice. If you’re expecting anything besides a bar you’ll also be sadly mistaken. It’s so small that even when you’re not at the bar buying your next beverage, you're in the line anyway. The music and general vibe is upbeat and funky, it’s well furnished and there are lots of good looking people to hang out with. Maybe I’m being stereotypical, but nevertheless, this is still a place that could grow on me.

The fantastic thing about Knoxville Bar is that you are actually able to hold a reasonable conversation. Not a conversation that involves one person screaming “What is your name?”, and the other replying “That’s awesome!” but a real conversation, with actual words. This in turn opens up a few pleasant avenues for Knoxville Bar, as many different events can be held there, as opposed to other ‘louder’ clubs. Bachelors’ parties, birthday celebrations, speeches, business meetings, just to name a few, and they even have a ‘lekker’ flat screen TV. to watch your favourite sports games.

What I am trying to get at here is basically if you can enjoy yourself whilst rubbing shoulders with almost everyone else in the place (usually the likes of Percy Montgomery), and are prepared to wait at least ten minutes in the line to reach the bar, then go bonkers. If not, go outside and have a breath of fresh air. And not just any air, your own air. Relish it, as this will be the last non- recycled breath of air you’ll be enjoying for the rest of the night.

At Knoxville Bar you basically get everything that you would from the likes of Forries or Peddlers, with an added bonus of the party atmosphere (even if it’s so thick you can taste it, like sweat). Let’s be honest for a second though, put yourself in any place where the music, people and drinks are ‘friendly’ and you're bound to have a good time.

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