Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rooi-els- A small town with a big vibe

When one first hears the name Rooi-els, one tends to be a little reserved in judgment. At least I was. I mean, where the hell is this place? It’s not Bettys Bay or Hermanus- Its Rooi-els.
That being said I had the privilege of a ‘Rooi-els experience’ during the Easter weekend and shit, was I right, it’s nothing like Hermanus or Bettys- it’s better.

The first thing you notice upon your arrival to the relatively unknown holiday destination, is the Pub. This little ‘drinking hole’ is the part of town where all the exciting activities transpire. It was jam-packed the entire weekend. Next you will notice the copious amounts of luscious looking bush and shrub along the gravel road. These bushes might look spongy, but trust me, there are many underlying dangers. Next to catch the eye are the beautiful houses. They are all stunning, old architecture- classics. Moving along through this colourful town and you’ll find the ocean, accompanied by a golden – white beach (sounds good, doesn’t it?).

Okay, it’s no use driving all the way down to Rooi-els for the weekend if you aren’t going to take advantage of all the benefits that the gorgeous ‘dorpie’ has to offer (mentioned above). So get yourself some alcoholic beverages, some good music and get psyched. After that, take a trip to the pub and buy yourself the much vaunted ‘Painters Pallet’. This drink is not for the faint at heart and if you even think you’re not up to it, don’t kid yourself, get out of there- Speedy Gonzalez style! Following your trip to the pub, the walk home should involve, wait for it…bush- jumping! This is where you can experience the true beauty of Rooi-els. So in the words of the great Muhammad Ali “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” You see, you’ll soon find out that those juicy looking bushes aren’t actually that soft, so make sure the alcohol and adrenalin levels are pumping before attempting this.

You now have two choices: either go home and call it a night- a sensible choice- or push on to the beach. Personally, I chose the beach option, but that’s just me. With that choice behind you, get moving to the beach. If you have portable music, make sure it’s blaring (mostly to annoy the neighbours) to create a vibe for everyone involved. Once you reach the beach, be brave and swim- or don’t. Either way, just enjoy yourself. Take a load off.

A couple of surprises that you may encounter in this beautiful town include the likes of an extrememly vibrant (when drunk), in- love German lass. It's very rare to spend time with this one as she doesn't speak much- if at all. So interact as much as possible, and remember to have several bottles of Vodka handy for fear of boredom. Always keep a look out for a brunette, narcotics- induced woman, she is scarce but once you find her, she will never want to leave your side. She may even try sneak a cosy night indoors- as opposed to the comfort of a bush.

Personally, the inner beauty about Rooi-els are the lessons learnt. Having good times with good friends is one of the most valuable experiences in life. Rooi-els has a special way of galvanising that experience, and creates memories for life.

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