Thursday, April 29, 2010

California turns Happy Meals smile upside down

The obesity epidemic sweeping California, as well as the rest of America, has forced the Lawmakers in California to flex their muscles.

Soon children all over the US are going to be greeted with a sad surprise in their Happy Meals. Officials in California claim that the free toys/gifts accompanied in the Happy Meal are luring children into eating foods with high sugar, sodium and fat. Really? Not in my day. Usually if you decide to purchase a Happy Meal as a six – year – old, it would require your parents consent. Can you say bad parenting? Seems like another case of the Government acting like mommy and daddy. As far as I can remember, as a child if you’re successful in your attempt to strong arm ‘the parents’ into forking out for a Happy Meal, you’re doing it for the toys – definitely not for the food. Raw deal for ‘the parents’ then, having to deal with an entirely ear shattering fog - horn like scream of a six – year – old on a mission, and left with the haunting meal when the tirade is over.

That meal will more than likely end up in the trash, or in the rear end of mommy or daddy.

The ‘suits’ in Government are claiming that banning toys from the Happy Meal will, ‘break the link between unhealthy food and prizes.’ Okay that’s all good and fine, try telling that to Burger King and KFC. On that matter try telling that to everyone else in the fast food chain. Will they give two shits? No. They might give two burgers though.

It’s a business, plain and simple. McDonalds do advertise their Happy Meals, along with the toys/gifts inside. But all things considered they aren’t the voice inside your head.

Childhood obesity in the US has tripled in the last thirty years. Two – thirds of Americans – roughly 190 million people - are now said to be medically overweight. Scary. That’s some example the US in setting for their children. So what’s the problem? Is the American lifestyle too lazy and this in turn is affecting their children? Maybe fast – food is too easily accessible? Push up the price and drop the weight. That could be a credible solution.
Kids growing up in today’s generation need toys. They need to have fun. Removing toys from children won’t stop them from accessing fast – food, it will make them miserable. So well done California, now your kids are fat and depressed.

Two – thirds of America desperately needs to get active, exercise some self control and monitor their child’s weight. Simple as that. The Government shouldn’t have to step in as foster parents, because if the figures add up correctly, then two – thirds of the Government are ‘officially’ overweight.

When was the last time you thought about McDonalds?

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